Pes 2009 Patch Update Software
Hi, I purhased PES 2009 for my 10 year old as a xmas present. It worked fine until i downloaded and installed the software update that we were prompted to do so yesterday (28de08).
This was a 41mb file. After installation, the game went to begin but instead returned the following error: 'An error has occurred. The game now does not return at all (just hangs on a blank screen with 6 stars in the bottom left hand corner). I have version 2.53 and have since 'restored default settings'; still no joy. Soap version http //
I have contacted support, but not yet had a reply. Has anyone here successfully found a work-around, or can help? Much appreciated.
The ultimate source of patches & addons for Pro Evolution Soccer 2009. This page is no longer being updated! Please update your bookmarks and visit from now on. Patch Za Pes 2009, free patch za pes 2009 software downloads, Page 3.
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