Cara Mengatasi Idm Cannot Download The File Because Of Timeout
Cannot download IDM in Firefox due to the time out error. Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a download accelerator and file. Cara Mengatasi Gagal Download Pada IDM karena "REQUEST TIMED. Btw thanks gan [SHARE].
GENERAL QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS When I try to download any file with IDM it just tries to connect to the Internet and cannot start downloading or shows some message that connection is refused. See below: IDM shows 'Cannot download this file' error message on download start: IDM shows 'Permission denied' error message on download start: IDM shows 'Connection refused' error message on download start: Windows shows an error message below on IDM launch, or IDM launches, but IDM shows 'Error connecting' message on download start. On download start, IDM process is killed, and IDM window is closed. Reason 1: In IDM settings is set proxy/socks server that does not work anymore or has some other problems. Solution: Open 'Options->3d custom girl full. Proxy / Socks' IDM dialog ( arrow 1 on the image) and disable 'Use proxy' and 'Use socks' options ( arrow 2 on the image).
Reason 2: IDM is not allowed to download or run in FireWall settings. Many FireWalls check the size of application executable file that try to access the Internet. That's because a virus can replace the file with its own, and get access to the Internet.
Probably when you updated IDM, its executable file size changed, and your FireWall blocked the Internet access for IDM. If you have a FireWall installed, please check that IDMan.exe file has appropriate access rights. In some cases our customers reported that they also had to set same access rights for Uninstall.exe file from IDM root folder. Solution: Change incorrect FireWall settings. Please choose instruction for your Internet Security (FireWall) software below: If the instructions above do not help, please try to completely uninstall your FireWall TEMPORARILY.
Disabling the FireWall is not enough, because FireWall keeps blocking access even if you switch it off. After uninstalling and rebooting, check if your problem persists. If it is resolved, then the problem is definitely caused by your FireWall software. You should try to contact its developers, and ask them for a solution, or try another FireWall.
Please also check that your computer does not have Air plane mode enabled in its Windows settings. If you still cannot solve the problem, or do not know what application can block IDM, try to rename IDM executable file 'IDMan.exe' from IDM root folder (usually 'C: Program Files Internet Download Manager ') into 'IDMan2.exe', and run it. Try to download with IDM again, and check whether your problem still persists.
Kemarin ada teman dekat nanya.waktu dia download via Internet Download manager nah ketika download sudah mencapai 99%,tiba-tiba, waktu (time left) berhenti, Kecepatan download (Transfer rate) pada IDM makin lambat dan akhirnya berakhir di 0 kB/s, Pada status hanya muncul tulisan, connecting dan send get. Jika di pause, tidak bisa dilanjutkan lagi (tidak bisa di resume).
Sekalipun di resume, IDM akan meminta alamat yang baru untuk menyelesaikan prosesnya dan anda akan disuruh untuk menunggu. (Kalo sabar ya bolehlah ditunggu, kalo habis kesabaran sebaiknya di stop waiting saja, karena gak ada guna nunggu juga, pasti akan gagal:P) dan Jika me-resumenya lalu muncul tulisan seperti ini: “Cannot download the file because of timeout”. Nah, sekarang, coba teruskan download idm lagi, insya allah sudah lancar kembali dan semoga membantu. NB: IP Address jangan di obtain pilih use the following ip address Jika dengan cara di atas tetap tidak berhasil coba cara kedua: • Pause IDM-nya. • Pada toolbar IDM, klik download, kemudian options • Setelah anda meng-klik options, maka akan muncul sebuah menu lagi. Klik save to dan cari tulisan “Temporary directory”.
Copy alama tersebut •.contoh C: Users cyber Cy AppData Roaming IDM DwnlData • Klik start pada desktop anda, paste-kan alamat tadi di search • Akan muncul jendela baru dan bukalah foldernya • Disana, anda akan melihat banyak file, nah itulah file-file yang belum selesai di download oleh IDM (markasnya-lah) • Cari folder dari file anda yang tadi gagal. (Misal, anda mendownload dengan nama file ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb_774, maka cari folder itu) dan bukalah foldernya. Hehe) • Setelah dibuka, anda akan melihat 3 file. (disini saya menemukan file ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb, file ef9c67893a5a61f7c7da09eb4e2efb52, dan log_774) • Simpan dulu yang tadi (minimize saja jendelanya), kemudian buka browser (saya anjurkan menggunakan Mozilla firefox) kemudian, buka alamat website dimana anda mendownload file yang gagal tadi. • Download lagi filenya.