Stokke Tripp Trapp Extended Glider Manual
First, make sure the Tripp Trapp is the right highchair for your family. The Tripp Trapp is designed so that if the baby pushes off the table with his hands or feet, the chair should glide backwards rather than tip over. The Stokke website specifies that the chair should be used on very smooth surfaces (like parquet instead of carpet or tile) so that the chair will indeed slide rather than tilt. For correct ergonomic seating (elbows level with tabletop), it is also designed to be used at a table between 28-30' tall.
It is possible to install BDE from a 32-bit Inno Setup installation. Follow these steps: Download MiniReg.exe [13KB] to your installation's source directory (typically the directory containing your script file). MiniReg.exe is a utility I (Jordan Russell) wrote that contains a subset of the functionality in. I use Innosetup to create installation files for my application. My application uses BDE so I use MiniReg to install it. I want BDE to be installed always into the same location So this can work for you too: I use to make my installation InstallShield for Borland Delphi 5, that comes as an optional. Installing Inno Setup. There is a folder on the CD named 'Inno' -- insert the CD, and if the Launcher starts, use the option to exit. All of the following came from the Inno help, except for the information on installing the BDE and dBASE Plus runtime, which comes from our own development team at. HOWTO: Deploy BDE (Borland Database Engine). Article Created: 2003-10-15 19:09 GMT by Jordan Russell Last Updated: 2007-02-18 00:59 GMT by Jordan Russell. It is possible to install BDE from a 32-bit Inno Setup installation. Follow these steps. Inno setup bde install.
All that said, our table is 31' high, so Hunter does not sit with the optimum ergonomic positioning, but since he sits there so infrequently, I am not concerned about it. He manages food on the table just fine.
Another video of James showing the dangers inherent in the design of the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair. This one has footrest in place. See how little effort it takes for him.
It does mean, however, that his feet land at the perfect height to kick off of the big frame under the tabletop. Plus, our linoleum flooring is old and has some rough patches. Hunter is able to tilt the chair slightly, but it has not tipped over. We never leave him unattended in the Tripp Trapp. Also, please note that new chairs include a set of extended gliders (see photo) to help the chair glide more easily, but it is likely that the purchase of a used chair will not include them. Call Stokke to receive a set of extended gliders at no cost to you.
Provide the date of manufacture and the color of your chair, and you're good to go! The white plastic Baby Rail is one option, but from my research, it seems to be only compatible with models from 2006-2008. That rail requires a particular white seat clip that attaches to the seat plate. (See photo.) It connects the crotch strap of the 5-point (fabric) harness to the chair and provides a place to 'click' the plastic crotch piece of the rail in place. If you're considering a used chair that comes with this Baby Rail, make sure the seller also gives you the white seat clip, or you may have trouble getting your hands on one. (Stokke might sell it as a replacement part, but they have probably discontinued it by now. Luckily, I found mine on ebay and the seller sold it with the harness straps.) This system does not have a back rest, but I find that my baby sits well in his chair with just the Baby Rail.
The Baby Set is a baby rail plus back rest, comes in a variety of colors to match the chairs, and is the latest baby accessory. According to an old Global Stokke webpage, it is compatible with all Tripp Trapps from May 2003 on (with serial #s that start with 3, 4, or 5). During an e-mail exchange with Stokke USA, however, the rep wrote that the new Baby Set is only compatible with chairs made after June 2006. The Baby Set requires a seat attachment that is different from the white seat clip I mentioned before. To use the Baby Set, the crotch piece of the plastic rail attaches to the slot on the seat plate rather than a clip that protrudes from under the seat plate (as with the older Baby Rail).
If the chair you are considering doesn't come with any seat attachment (a white plastic component inside the slot located on the seat plate, which should also have the crotch strap attached), you can contact Stokke to purchase a replacement part crotch strap. You can then buy a harness and the Baby Set and your chair will be complete and ready for baby's use. For us, we bought a used chair in the 'cherry' color (which is more like an oak color) for $80, but color was not a big deal for us. The seller sold it to us with the old Baby Rail, but no harness or white seat clip/crotch strap (which is necessary to attach the Baby Rail to the chair). I ended up purchasing a 5-point harness (including the crotch strap and seat clip) on ebay for $45 (including shipping), bringing the total spent on used products to $125. At the time, Amazon had the natural color on special for $150. So $125 versus $150 would mean a basic savings of $25, which is not very impressive at all. But really, with a new chair I would have had to buy a Baby Set for $70 to be able to use the chair starting at 6 months, bringing the total for new products to $220.
So my actual savings is $95 ($125 vs. Now that's much better. Had I not been able to track down a seat clip to be able to use the old Baby Rail, I would have had to buy a replacement part crotch strap ($25), a harness ($25), and the Baby Set ($70), bringing the total to $200. That savings would only be $20, and totally not worth buying a used chair.
When compared to the regular price for a chair, however, the savings would still be better to buy used. $250 (regular price for chair) + $70 (regular price for Baby Set) = $320 versus $200 for used chair with replacement parts and new Baby Set. Savings of $120. OK, so that was lengthy, huh? Well, this is the information I wish I had had when I was shopping for a used Tripp Trapp, and I hope it helps someone!