Server Files Metin2 Cu Client
Server Metin2 Gata Facut: Autor Mesaj; sE[N]z0R-. -Serverul este creat cu Instant Server by Dany si modificat in proportie de 90%. Dora buji videos in tamil free download free. Here you can download metin2 instant server files shared files found in our database: Metin2 2010 Server Files by Mcncc priv from 784.25 MB. DetailsAcest metin 2 este un server foarte faine cu gm prietenosi acesta este un PVM clasic si foarte distractiv intrati Va asteptamm. DetailsWelcome to Metin 2 Best Freet Private Server We have work 24/7, Exp x1000, Drops x1000 Enter Site, Downlaod Client, Register and enjoy playing.
Hallo all there, oke first of all i want say sry bcs of my english. So i m there because i want sell my metin2 server, my projekt which i made but never runed and opened public.i worked long time (1year +) at this server, server its alot of time tested and i can promise you that its realy stable and bugfrei (i dont say all bugs fixed bcs thats impossible, but i can say that all systems and all things like this was tested and work perfect so till now i dont see many bugs).