Mapa De Starcraft Mineral Infinito
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • General [ ] Micromanagement [ ] Unlike StarCraft: Brood War, harvesters will automatically spread out among mineral patches. This makes harvesting minerals much easier. Still, mineral patches can only support a limited amount of harvesters at a time. In addition, if a harvester attempts to mine from a patch that is already in use, the harvester will now select another patch to mine from. Consequently, some players will choose to 'harass' the opposing side by mining an enemy's mineral patch.
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This action prevents the enemy's worker from mining as the patch has reached its limit of worker(s). Is particularly notable for this sort of harassment. Also, a harvester will sometimes go further than needed to mine a patch (e.g. To the other side). This can increase mining time and therefore many players choose instead to 'micro' (individually select) their harvester to a shorter distance or to a known less occupied patch. If the player allows the harvester to automatically switch, this can result in the harvester inefficiently switching to other occupied patches. Finally, travel distances vary among mineral patches.
Therefore, players may attempt to further maximize mining efficiency through timing when their harvesters movements. To do this, one must select a harvester to begin mining the other harvester (which has now finished mining and is returning the minerals).
This action is made simple through being able to rally workers to a chosen patch. Rich Mineral Fields [ ] StarCraft II introduced the: yellow minerals fields that are mined at a faster rate of 7 per trip instead of 5. See also: The is a temporary unit that mines 30 minerals per trip on standard patches and 42 on High-Yield patches.
Their time 'on' the patch is longer than an SCV's. MULEs can mine over other SCV's already mining that patch, but not other MULEs unless all mineral fields are occupied in which case MULEs will start to mine over other MULEs. Their effective mining rate is approximately four times that of an 's.
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Please note: as of. The mule mining rate will be changed on gold patches: the then harvest the same amount of minerals on both high yield minerals and normal minerals, namely 30 minerals per trip. Optimizing Mineral Harvesting [ ]. Chart Realization/Methodology [ ] This chart represents the number of minerals a group of workers can harvest on a 'standard' base.
Were used, on. All were gathered on a specific spot, then clicked on the middle mineral patch, and the mineral count was taken after 30 seconds.
The was set to Faster. Note that this chart is using real-time instead of game-time, so the mining numbers are roughly 20% inflated. More measurements and math in this reference: (1) Maximum [ ] Keeping more than 3 workers per patch is a complete waste. The 4th worker will not give you any additional income. Your income/worker ratio is reduced, strictly speaking, but your absolute income is not any less, of course. The progression of minerals harvested per second is roughly linear (the only variation coming from patch distances, but this is minor) until you have 2 harvesters per patch. MULEs do not factor in, as they are able to a mine a given mineral patch at the same time an SCV is.