Cygwin Windows Is Searching For Mintty Windows
I just installed cygwin in my windows7 pc. After installation when i click on 'Cygwin Terminal' from start menu it shows a message like this - message title: Missing Shortcut 'Windows is searching for mintty. Under Windows, the reason to install the Cygwin toolkit is so that./configure may be run and This window is populated with a default set of packages to download. The 'View' button on the upper How can I copy and paste into Cygwin console windows? First, consider using mintty instead of the.
To start with, Cygwin is a great tool for Windows users. With Cygwin you get a Linux like console where you can do many Linux operations. For more information about Cygwin see there homepage:. So to my problem.
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It is common when I have to install my development environment on a new machine that I have forgot how Cygwin was setup and which packaged that used. It always ends by me searching for different parts about the installation, setup, and howtos. In this post I will go through how i have setup my Cygwin environment, and the most common packages which I use. We will have a look on the basic setup with a custom user home, configuration of the Cygwin terminal window and how one can configure some basic alias.
Installation of Cygwin To start with, download the Cygwin setup.exe from. From the packages I use the following. • VI, good editor with a plentoria of functions. I am trying to use it instead of Emacs since most of the production environment does not have Emacs. Otherwise I would have used Emacs all the time. • Emacs (for some reason the latest version did not work (24.2-1).
Instead I had to use versoion 23.4-3. The latest version of Emacs has a dependecy to cyggnutls-26.dll when cyggnutls-28.dll is boundle with the installation.
• Openssh, ssh client. • Subversion, ye nothing fancy about it. • Screen, one of the best 'session manager'. Instead of having multiple Cygwin-windows use screen and you have multiple shells in one shell. More about Screen later on. Alias is a good thing to use. You can see it as a shortcut for common commands you are using.
As ls -la which you can create a alias for so you only type ll. Open.bashrc and add the following to enable a alias which execute ls -la each time you type ll. # Alias for long list. Alias ll='ls -la' From here and on you can create which ever alias you like and also functions.
In the default.bashrc file you have a lot of different nice things which you can have a look on. Remember that you need to restart you terminal window or bash it self for the new alias to be loaded. Styling your Cygwin window.